MFJ-9212-BN, Portable RF Isolator with BNC

MFJ-9212-BN is Portable RF isolator with BNC connectors. High isolation 1:1 balun using type 43 ferrite material, binocular core and multiple turns of RG-178. Effectively isolates antenna and feedline, removes troublesome RF on coax shield that cause Microphone bites/RF burns, reduces RFI and noise. Correct radiation pattern for better signal reports. Convert balanced dipole, doublet, ladder line to unbalance coax feed.1.8-60MHz, handles 125 Watts, Easy-to-carry small rugged case with smooth edges, small 3x4x1 1/2 inches lets you keep it handy.
MFJ-7704, $14.95 BNC to dual binding post adaptor. Add two appropriate wire length to create a RF isolated balance dipole to unbalance coax transmission line.