A17B2, 2M, YAGI, 17 ELE, 1.5kW

A17B2 17 Element CW/SSB Boomer
The serious two meter operator who is interested in EME, aurora, scatter, SSB, CW, tropo etc, will choose the A17B2. It has 17 elements on a 4.5 wavelength boom.
Our computer-aided design supported by precise test range data and the latest anufacturing technology gives you a cleaner pattern and 18 dBi gain in this long boom design. Significant enhancement is provided by the new UltraMatch balanced feed system with N-connector.
The UltraMatch is a modified T-match system that provides a balanced current distribution on your Boomer. It uses UltraLink Teflon® dielectric cable allowing for low loss high power applications. UltraMatch is completely enclosed for weather proofing. UltraMatch features an N-connector on the A17B2 and UHF SO239 on the A13B2. When all-weather performance is important, you will choose the new UltraMatched Boomers everytime.