AL-811HD, HFAMP, 800W, (4)572BTUBES, US120VAC

Get the AL-811HD with 572B tubes
AL-811HD gives you the AL-811H with four 572B tubes installed. Get a higher power tank circuit and grid overload protection. Grid Overload Protection protects the tubes from excessive grid current due to mistuning and it protects against excessive drive power. Four 572B tubes give you more plate dissipation than a single 3-500Z tube. AL-811HD gives you 800 Watts output in SSB and 600 Watts for continuous duty in CW, RTTY, SSTVand AM operation.
AMERITRON mounts the 572B tubes vertically, not horizontally, to prevent hot tube elements from sagging and shorting out. Others, using potentially damaging horizontal mounting, require hard-to-find 572B tubes to retard harmful sagging and shorting.
Powerful 20 CFM computer grade fan, not an open frame phonograph motor, draws in cool air to pressurize the cabinet and efficiently cool your tubes for an extra long life.
You also get efficient full-size heavy duty tank coils, computer grade capacitors, heavy duty high silicon core power transformer, slug tuned input coils, operate/standby switch, transmit LED, ALC, dual meters, QSK compatibility with QSK-5 option and much more!
- Output power: 800 Watts PEP, 600 Watts CW.
- All Band Operation: Covers 160-15 Meters including WARC bands. Can be user modified for12 and 10 Meters.
- Vertical Tube Mounting: Prevents shorting of tube filament/grid, prolongs tube life.
- Fully Neutralized: Improves stability and performance on higher bands.
- Input Tune Circuit: Adjustable rear panel slug tuned input circuit.
- ALC Control: Built-in adjustable ALC control.
- Vernier Reduction Drives: Tuning and loading reduction drives make tuning smooth and easy.
- Dual Illuminated Meters: Monitor vital operating functions.
- Heavy Duty Power Supply: 17 pounds, high silicone steel core transformer and computer grade filter capacitor gives 1700 Volts high voltage at no load and 1500 Volts at full load. Multi-Voltage Operation: User selectable for 100/110/120/210/220/230 VAC operation. Shipped with transformer installed and wired for 120 VAC for domestic model or 240 VAC for export model.
- Air-Cooled: Quiet pressurized ventilation keeps tubes safely cooled. QSK Compatible: Optional external electronic pin diode Transmit/Receive switch.
- Attractive Lexan front decal
- One Year AMERITRON warranty.
- Dimensions: 8 ¼" x 13 ¾" x 15 ½".
- Operating Weight: 32 lbs.
- Made in USA